Support Stories A physician in Ghana "In October of 2019, I joined a team of physicians and nurses to provide medical outreach to a rural region in Ghana. This is an annual volunteer mission spearheaded by International Needs Canada in partnership with International Needs Ghana. Through fundraising, its objective is to send a Canadian team each year to villages whose inhabitants have little access to health care due to poverty or isolation. In addition to travel expenses, funds are used to purchase medical supplies, vitamins, and medications to treat a wide variety of health issues including: malnutrition, wound care, parasitic infections, and many other life threatening conditions that are easily preventable and treatable. With the generous contribution of Boomer's Legacy, I was able to participate this year, enabling our team to collectively treat over 2300 people. Most of these folks were children, and many would have surely perished or suffered lifelong disability were it not for your donations. From the Canadian team and all of the Ghanaians whose lives were touched by your kindness, thank you." LCdr Sebastian Vuong, Medical Officer